Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Whatever it is... is.

Today was the yearly MRI and clinic visit with Dr. V.


We had the MRI printed on film this time instead of a CD...

I peaked while Dale and Steven were getting breakfast this morning...

I was shocked by the size of the tumors this time, and I was even more upset to see a cyst on the larger cerebellum tumor...

We came home between MRI and clinic because Steven's leg is grossly bruised and super sore. No special lunch today...

We sat in the clinic waiting room for three hours (again)...

Dale came with us for his first ever MRI/clinic experience...

He has no idea about bodily noises and public places...

And during the entire three hours that we spent in the clinic waiting room, Dale tried to explain to my why it is better to receive than to give (when golf clubs are involved)...

Dr. Lui, our favorite resident/fellow, is now following patients of her own...

So she only popped her head into the exam room to say hello, and then she left...

Dale continued to nudge about "his" money and the need for new golf clubs RIGHT NOW! in the examining room...

The new resident mentioned the "three" tumors that we've been following...

I asked about the fourth (near the vermis on the left side of the cerebellum)...

Did he even read the file from the last visit?...

"Miracle" is a very overused word (more likely it was not seen because of the different slices of the MRI)...

Steven doesn't like for me to ask too many questions, while I feel the need for all information to make sense...

And I had not prepared him for the mention of a cyst...

I stopped asking questions after the resident confused my question about the tumor between C1 and C2 in the spine with the brainstem tumor...

And then Dr v popped in and reiterated word for word what the resident had said...

Nobody hung the MRI pictures in the room this time to discuss findings with us.
They always do that...!

And that would have been an easy time to slip in a question about this cyst and allow the drs, not me, to broach the subject with Steven.

I had a hard time finding my "happy spot" by that point...between the scans that I had seen in the morning, the resident who dismissed my questions as either trivial or ignorant, the very brief discussion about tumors without the scans even being in the room, and Dale...I had shut down.

But this I know:

the cyst...
the fourth tumor...
the growth...
the spinal cord tumor...

Whatevery they are, they are

...and I can wait until Febuary for answers.
Because that's what I do best on this journey.

1 comment:

diary of a genetic defect said...

You really are going through it, I hate waiting. Are there plans to remove them? You sound so strong but you don't have to be all the time. When do you get a chance to scream and shout? My prayers are with you all. My dad had too many brain tumours to count and a horrible one on the brain stem and they gave him ten years with the radiotherapy, 5 or so without. That was over ten years ago and no one have mentioned a time limit as they’re not thinking that way anymore and I’m not going to pretend he’s fine but he’s better than a lot of 57 year olds, wobbly on his feet but well.


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