Thursday, December 30, 2010


...from deep within the trenches...

Our house has been a flurry of activity for the past week, from the frenzy of Christmas morning to the aftermath that a Christmas puppy brings. We've feasted with family, visited with friends, and had more family movie times than I care to even mention!

What a blessing this season, so full of joy and hope, has been to my soul this year.

Just a week ago I was still so fiercely battling the effects of seeing the unavoidable fate that is my sweet son's last brain scan.

Just three weeks ago I was living near tears after watching a recent episode of Grey's Anatomy that featured a VHL warrior.

But this week I'm beyond tears and feelings of doom. The past few days have been nothing but Christmas. And because I know that nestled among all the trimmings, hanging on every tree branch, and wrapped in each and every gift, is the story of the birth of baby Jesus, this past week has been filled with peace, and joy, and hope.

And wishes.

1. I wish that eveyone would watch that episode of Grey's Anatomy

While television can't portray the disease exactly as it's lived, this episode touched my heart.

And after you've seen the show, please, contact our local ABC news station and convince Ms. Linda H. that we need a human interest story about VHL on a Thursday night after the show!

(I'm floundering on this front!)

2. I wish for a cure for my sweet son.

Just freedom from bad scans and brain surgeries.
Just the ability to live a life without cancer.
Just a cure.
Nothing less

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