Monday, June 18, 2007


Part Two

We are out of our comfort zone,
and we are a bit overwhelmed.

We need to work out details for this fundraiser.

We're a bit overwhelmed.

It seems that we may need to set up a way to donate online. We've been talking about investing in a p.o. box for people who want to help from miles away.

We're a bit overwhelmed!

I know that Krusteaz (sp?) pancake mix will reimburse us 50% of the cost of the pancake mix that is used for a fundraiser. Now I need to price this mix to see if it would be a better idea than ordering wholesale. I need to figure out costs of this breakfast and the best way for it to make money for research.

We are a way bit overwhelmed!

We need to advertise. I'm hoping for a small bit of press coverage for this fundraiser. I'm also hoping for a rather large bit of press coverage for this disease. I also know that I need to create some sort of flyer that can be handed out personally to friends and family.

So we've got a lot of work to do!

I've had so many wonderful people already approach with offers of help!
Thank you!
And we'll be needing you!

Because we are a bit overwhelmed!


Being overwhelmed by organizing a fundraiser...
That is a good thing.

Being overwhelmed in the ICU with beeps and lines and stitches from a disease with no cure...
That is a bad thing.

1 comment:

Renee said...

I'll be more than happy to do the flyers for you and also waitress at the pancake breakfast. I love planning things...just let me know what you need!


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