Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day Seven - Yeah!

Time for some happy thoughts

1. My sister and nephew are coming for a visit. Today.


2. We as a family are so loved by many people in this community. The food is literally being delivered to our door step every day. It is such a good feeling to know that you are loved.


3. Some very sweet young woman from a local university have really taken Steven under their wings. Steven attended a fundraiser that these girls had to benefit St. Judes Hospital in Spring '06. He had a great time, and the Tri-Delta sisters were wonderful to him. He was invited to attend again this year, but unfortunately the fundraiser coincided with Grad Bash weekend, and Steven didn't wake until late in the afternoon. These sweet young women, however, still think about him and care enough to leave many, many messages at the old Caringbridge site.

(I've copied them to some of the entries here...near the surgery date.)

What wonderful things these young women do!


4. The laundry is half fixed. Only the light colored shirts still seemed beyond repair. After soaking in vegetable oil, ammonia and rubbing alcohol, then washing in stain remover and laundry soap...well, the Highbury shirt is looking pretty good.


5. Stitches will be removed this week! And while Steven is still complaining about a stiff neck, pain in the incision area seems much better. Hopefully at this drs visit we'll get permission to decrease steroids once again, with a plan to be totally off medicine quickly.


6. And five happy thoughts every morning...that's the best medicine!

It's a plan!


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